(Note: Posted this in mid-August 2016. At this time I had planned for Mickey to stay with a dock mate who agreed to watch him for the time I would be gone. It wasn’t till a few days before I disembarked that I learned those plans would fall apart and I would be taking Mickey along with me. I wasn’t really prepared to have a feline companion and I had usually left taking care of cats with my late wife. I had no working knowledge of what it takes to care for a cat on a boat. I was going to learn whether I wanted to or not.
Sailors have a long history of being superstitious and the ones about cats on board were considered to be a good omen. Besides the fact they would keep rats and mice off the boat, there were these…
If you see a cat sneezing meant that it was going to rain.
A frisky cat predicted a windy day was about to happen.
A cat licking its fur against the grain was a sure sign that a hailstorm was on its way.
Not only did I have to make sure Sea Marie was well cared for I had to make sure Mickey was well fed and cared for. Challenge accepted.)
Mickey's first night on board Sea Marie. Seems to have had a busy day after coming home from his overnight stay at the vet office getting neutered and getting shots yesterday. Work continues for departure in late August 2016.
Comments from 2016:
Pogo Bob Looks like he's a natural!
Henry Krzemien RN I certainly hope so Bob. In the event, he decides to wander off at least he's been fixed and had his shots.
Bronwen Somerset Looks like a sweet baby.
Edward Durma I'm glad to see you'll have a traveling companion. I hope things work out for you Hank. Best of luck to you ...
Henry Krzemien RN Thanks, Ed, I'll be soldering the blocking diodes you got me later today to the solar panel. Mickey is taking his cat nap now which is good as I install this bimini and screen. The muffleheads were numerous last night.
Edward Durma Thanks again for the home movie DVD Some great memories of our reckless youth. I'm working on dubbing copies to share with our friends.
Mary Jo Cartledgehayes I had friends who took their Himalayan along on many sailboat adventures. It looks like Mickey is settling in nicely. It's good to have a friend.
Phyllis Lemasters Micky looks like a true sailor.
Always good to have a friend to travel with!