The art of the sailor is to leave nothing to chance. -Annie Van De Wiele
<Day 8 Previous Post | First Post | Next Post Day 10 >
Day 9 Tuesday. Sept. 9, 2016. Beautiful weather here. Waiting to hear from Joe about my outboard problem. The next 2 miles upriver will require full throttle to get to Lake Huron and beyond. I am going to need all that 9.8 horsepower outboard can give me. Will keep you posted.
Yesterday I limped into Port Huron's Black River on less than half throttle, The vibration of the outboard was very noticeable but otherwise sounded fine. This is going to take some troubleshooting and consultation with Joe Cabot back in Sandusky. It doesn't help with today being a holiday and his marina is closed. I'm hoping Joe’s wife and secretary Amy could get him the message. In the meantime, I turned the boat around so that the motor is near the main dock. I removed the prop nut cotter pin and the nut. Nothing unusual here. Removed the prop and examined it and that looked fine, no breaks, no bends, and not even a scratch on this new prop. The shaft looked fine as well. Tomorrow I'll take the prop to a marine store nearby and have them look it over. Now all I can do is relax and see what is happening in Port Huron on Labor Day. On my way inbound, I did see Dianne and her new husband on their way out. She texted me they had to get to their homeport on Lake St Clair before dark. (I wouldn't hear from her till next spring.)
Moving up to today I spoke with Joe Cabot of Cabot Marine where I bought the outboard. We couldn't figure it out. I took the prop off and asked a marine dealer in town. He said it looked fine. Bought a few supplies I needed then replaced the prop a little tighter. The test run at the dock sounded encouraging. The motor ran fine at half throttle with normal vibration. Tightening the nuts to the motor mount and engine housing may have done the trick.
Today was my laundry day and had 3 moderate loads washed and dried. Nice to have fresh bedding again especially with it so hot and humid here. Replaced the 6 gal gas tank with a new 3 gal one gives me more room in the cockpit.
Later in the trip, I'll inflate the dinghy and place the 4hp outboard now on my stern rail in the dinghy along with the new gas tank that will free up more room. It's impractical towing the dinghy within these marinas on the lake.
Port Huron River Street Marina
Port Huron River Street Marina
Walked a bit today over to the Wolverine Party Store for more Powerade. I got the cold ones from their fridge should keep my ice lasting longer in the cooler.
It was a full day. I met a couple from the Northeast Ohio Fairport Harbor area doing the loop. Tim Bartel and his wife Karen aboard their boat 'Let it Rip' listed from Mentor. They arrived here with another couple directly from Cleveland having watched the air show. What took me 8 days to get here they did in one day! For aviators, that's the difference between a 757 and a piper cub.
There happens to be a local tavern, The Zebra Lounge, just up above this marina and I was long overdue for a cold beer and some hot bar food.
I treated myself to a 1/2 pound hamburger smothered in melted Swiss cheese, onions, mushrooms, lettuce and tomatoes, fries, coleslaw (about 2 teaspoons in a small cup, wow), and a big pickle. Downed it with Bud light. Brought some bits of burger back for Mickey who enjoyed it.
A cold beer on a hot day goes down smoothly at the Zebra Lounge
Going to be a bellyful of goodness.
See some severe weather to the east on my radar app. Hitting Detroit at the moment. Rain breaks up before getting here. Still, I set up the Sea Marie for evasive action and prepared for rain if it comes during the night. Could use it to cool down this temp. It remains warm and muggy. Tomorrow I have 3 marinas to choose from all depending on the weather. I would like to get to Harbor Beach but that's 60 miles away. I've done that distance before running from Cleveland to Put In Bay. The other 2 ports are Lexington and Port Sanilac. But first, have to navigate thru the Pillars of Hercules otherwise known as the Blue Water Bridge with a 4 to 5-mile-an-hour current going against me. Think about this… all the water that is in Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, and Lake Huron has to flow through this narrow passage called St Clair River. Times like these best check in with the locals for useful information.
Mickey checked out the new forward hatch screen I sewed up.
So till then fair winds and gentle seas.
Comments in 2016:
Bob Meredith Fight the current. Stay the course.
Dave Litespeed I did some scuba diving in that area, very storied waters there!
The Zebra Lounge looks like a good hole in the wall.