007 Happy Hull is a Happy Home. Part 2 of 2
Great Loop Prologue June 2016 My Backyard Part 2 of 2
Thanks for hanging out with us. We are almost done.
One last major upgrade to do. The hull from the deck to the waterline needed to be painted. And again was no easy task. This required time to watch the professionals on YouTube tell me what I need to know. All the videos with pros using expensive spray paint machines were tossed in the waste bin. Give me a backyard do-it-yourselfer with good results and there are a few. There is no need to mention them as the time I watched back in 2015 there are better videos and probably better products on the market. Search for the Roll and Tip Painting Method.
What is the roll and tip method of painting?
The roll & tip method is a non-stop, fast-moving, two-person endeavor where one person applies a thin coat of paint with a roller, and the other person follows immediately behind with a brush to remove the roller stipple ('orange peel' texture) and smooth out the surface.
Two-man? What is this two-man stuff? I have 2 hands attached to 2 arms, what more do I need? Wax on! Wax off!
Ouch! Was I wrong, I feel I need to rename the sailboat, The Sailing Vessel Stipple. The Interlux hull paint dries so fast out of the can and off the brush that there is no good way for one person to do a good job by themselves. Good enough for government work.
Switched out the lightbulbs.
They did burn brighter and that was a welcome sight.
Inside the cabin were 2 x12volt light fixtures using incandescent bulbs.
They use more current than 12 v LED bulbs and I was lucky to find these
at the local auto parts store.
The battery charger was the ProMariner ProSport12 for 2 banks of batteries.
The 3 batteries were from Walmart Group 24 Deep Cycle Marine Batteries with a 2-year warranty. 2 batteries in parallel for one bank for the house bank and an outboard motor starter battery by itself.
Now that the major watercraft projects were done how about getting my brain ready. Next on the Sailing Saga of the Sea Marie.
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Henry--I always enjoy reading your post--always persevering and positive. And we already know how successful your Loop turned out. Great reading. Your are one of my heros--you did it!