Great Loop Day 060 Oct 27, 2016, Green Turtle Bay Resort Layover Day 3
Green Turtle Bay Resort Layover Day 3
“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”
― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
<Day 59 Previous Post | First Post | Next Post Day 61>
Day 60 Thursday, Oct 27, 2016. Green Turtle Bay Marina. Slept in. Time to get my medications at CVS pharmacy this morning. Took the courtesy van provided by the marina. Hilly roads here in Kentucky. Passed the Kentucky Dam and Lock and it was busy with coal barges. Located the CVS pharmacy using my phone’s Google GPS. When I got there, I could not find my health insurance card. Bummer. Called my daughter. I made copies of my important cards to leave with her and my son. No insurance info. Another bummer. Call my insurance company. Having another card sent home. Needed the numbers to get my script. Got it! With my meds in hand, I drove back to the marina after getting gas for the van, they need a gas receipt for me to get back my 20-dollar deposit back. Passed one of my favorite restaurants, Ponderosa. They always had the best salad bar. But will not open till later. US Bank next door and withdrew some cash.
Back at the marina, I met Rob a local sailor. He said getting the mast up is a good idea. I agreed. Took several hours to get all the lines untied and put up the A-frame. With the help of a couple of people, the mast went up very easily. One person could do it. Rob had a Loos tension gauge with him. Sweet! Now I can tension shrouds evenly on both sides. Being an older boat I didn't want to over-tighten the shrouds. Could cause problems I didn't want to deal with. I set all the shrouds to 10 on the Loos scale. Stopped at the marine supply store on the grounds. Well supplied but they didn't have the 3-way bilge switch. Picked up some brass clips for Mickey's leash and a turning block to use on my anchor rode. This will make it easy to raise the anchor standing in the cockpit. Also found a bargain Tide Clock. Needs some adjustments. Picked up a Tracfone card for my backup phone and got that activated.
Here is something you will never see on the Great Lakes or Inland Rivers.
Mast stepped with A-frame still attached. Once I get the forward stay secured I can release the tension on the jib halyard and remove the A-frame. The mast will stay up now until I reach Waterford, New York where it will get lowered for the Erie Canal if I make it that far.
Used the main sheet 4:1 block for all the hard work of raising the mast. The A-frame is made from a couple of 10-foot sections of electrical conduit from Home Depot.
Loos Tension Gage on the port upper shroud.
Everyone enjoys visiting Mickey. The motor vessel La Cigale from my home port of Sandusky, OH is here next to me. The Wilsons left Aug 15 but unfortunately, had engine trouble coming into Green Turtle Bay Marina. Getting it fixed here. A wonderful family. Wendy is home-schooling the 4 girls and learning the history of the places they visit. Ella was kind enough to take Mickey for a walk on the dock.
Another evening enjoying the Docktails at the gazebo. I even got tattooed, well, with a temporary pirate ship. Scott and Rhonda along with Dave and Beth are traveling tomorrow morning. I decided I need another day to get ready. The days are going by fast.
Boat cards:
The Cleveland Indians are traveling to Chicago for Game 3 of the 2016 MLB World Series tomorrow. The series is tied at one apiece.
Comments from 2016:
Ymaria Lekutis Godspeed, Henry Krzemien.
Jacki Liptak Did you say you got tattooed ???!? (Or were my old eyes fooling me?)
Henry Krzemien RN I really wanted Popeye’s tattoo that's a tugboat on his chest that when he eats his spinach turns into a battleship. This is a temp.
David Myers You know while I was stationed at Fort Hood TX, I went into Killeen. Just off base in 1973, I saw a gentleman who looked just like Popeye someone told me he was.
Jane Arreguin Hey Henry Your friends from Hammond are still wishing you well be careful out there
Al and Jane.
Mary Jo Cartledgehayes How old is Mickey? Because now that my kitten is five months old, he's a rowdy scalawag. And then he crashes.
Henry Krzemien RN Mickey is about 2 and a half and loves to sleep.