GREAT LOOP SPECIAL EDITION 001: Cape May, NJ. Utsch's Marina: Mickey goes AWOL
Special Edition Jun 10, 2017.
Recap: The first 3 months were spent traveling the Great Lakes and down the mighty inland rivers to Mobile, AL. From there along the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway, through Florida, up the coast through the Chesapeake Bay. Today we find the skipper and crew of the Sea Marie entering Cape May, New Jersey.
We hope you enjoy reading this Special Edition and consider being a paid subscriber for more content and behind-the-scenes views in the making of the Sailing Saga of the Sea Marie with Skipper Henry and Mickey.
GREAT LOOP SPECIAL EDITION Jun 10, 2017. Delaware City to Cape May, New Jersey. Utsch's Marina
I pushed the Sea Marie hard trying to get to Utsch's Marina before dark. Over 9 hours of motor sailing, even with the mainsail up and a good breeze from the stern it was slow as the tide turned against us. Delaware Bay was one of our longest stretches of open water. Mickey appeared as exhausted as I and was sleeping quietly on his shelf on the starboard side tied to his harness.
As I pulled into my assigned slip on B dock I was greeted by a woman who welcomed me to the marina and asked if I was doing the loop. I said yes, and she went on to invite me to a potluck dinner other loopers were attending. I said I had nothing to prepare on such short notice and her reply was it didn't matter, come stop by anyway. As tired as I was I still needed to stop at the marina office to get registered. Maybe I can feed two birds with one scone.
I secured the 3 hatch boards and closed the top hatch making sure the forward hatch was securely closed. Mickey, looking unconcerned, remained resting on the shelf. "Mickey, you got the right idea," I said. I couldn't wait to lay down myself.
Signed in at the office and as a guest of the marina, I was welcomed with a goodie bag including a bottle of wine. I dragged my body over to the potluck dinner and was warmly greeted by several couples who started their loop at various home ports. Grabbing a plate I filled it with food. Couldn't tell you what it was I was just too tired. We exchanged boat cards and I called it a night.
I returned to my boat on B dock and Mickey was still laying down. The poor little guy must be more tired than I was. I closed up using only one hatch board and secured the screen over the companionway. It was warm and I turned on the fan to get some air circulating. Soon as I hit the mattress I was out.
I woke up around 11 pm to answer nature's call when I noticed the harness was dangling off the shelf and no Mickey in it. My eyes sprang to the screen to see the corner was undone from the double row of velcro hooks. Mickey did it again even though I had reinforced that area with twice as much velcro.
Indiantown, Fl, was Mickey's first overnight unauthorized excursion. With signs prominently posted to leash all your pets to prevent them from becoming alligator bait, Mickey returned promptly at 6 am demanding his breakfast. All his body parts were intact and I had to pity any poor gator in a fight with his claws. Masonboro NC. was different. Mickey was away for 2 nights and I suspected the loud noise coming from the oversized lift truck retrieving and storing the racked powerboats was too much for his sensitive ears. I did find him hunching down under a car across the street from that marina. Mickey will be back, I reassured myself. I walked the B dock in hopes he was nearby but not a soul to be had.
Early morning and the sun was just about to make itself known. I expected Mickey to be waiting in the cockpit for his breakfast. It was as empty as it was the night before.
Now I was getting worried.
Got dressed, walked the docks, and talked to every person I saw.
"Did you see a black and white cat, answers to the name of Mickey?"
"No", was the reply of the boaters on B dock where I'm staying.
Walking the perimeter of the marina looking in the bushes where they meet the trees. Nothing.
 Saw a man walking his dog. "Did you see a black and white cat?"
"Yes", he replies, was on the A dock last night at about 11 pm sleeping on my boat. He got up and walked off the dock."
Thanking him, I rush to A dock. Another boater cleaning his boat said he saw a cat that fit my description.
"Was real friendly. Let me pet him. Haven't seen him since last night", He said.
I walk to the marina's office. Kyle was working the counter. "No I didn't see him but I'll keep an eye out", he said.
Wayne, who signed me in last night hasn't seen him but will alert his staff.
I walk back to my boat. I still had a lot to do. The jib was still damp from a power boater who threw up a large wave passing in front of me and my boat slammed into his wake. The forward hatch was secured and tightened down yet water still leaked in. I now know the gasket on the hatch cover is not doing its job. I raised the jib by its halyard to dry out. Refolded the main sail and put on her sail cover.
I left out the kitty litter on the dock hoping Mickey could smell it and return. Made another round of the marina talking to more people. There's a whale-watching excursion ship next to the marina with a large parking lot. I spoke with a woman who was directing cars. She said there are some feral cats around the restroom/shower building, maybe Mickey's hanging around there. The building is near the A dock and I walked around. It has many bushes Mickey would love to explore. Looking for any signs of movement. Nothing. Mickey would probably be taking a nap now.Â
Then I spot a furry face looking right at me from a pile of lumber in tall weeds. MICKEY! But now I see it's just a light gray and white cat and smaller than Mickey. Very skittish, runs, stops, turned around to look at me.
"Did you see Mickey?", I just get a long silent stare. A pretty cat looks much like Mickey when he was younger. Mickey would sure like to meet you.
Perhaps Mickey didn't want to be found. He may have found his Nirvana, his cat heaven, his Shangri la. My late wife, Colleen, and I believed Mickey was born of feral parents. Didn't act cuddly like other domesticated felines. Opportunistically independent except around dinner time. Mickey didn't have a timetable, no calendar, no watch. Ate when he wanted to, drank when he was thirsty, and used the kitty litter whenever. That independence is probably what I admire most in him. Oh, I have seen him take on dogs 3 times his size. He never showed any fear. Quick with his paw and sharp with his claw. He could defend himself I have no doubt but finding food, worried me. Mickey only knew his next meal came from me. It tempered my fear knowing he was friendly toward other humans. They would pet him and he would allow that. If he's as smart as I think he is he will find a human to get his dinner.
But for me, life didn't stop. I had groceries to get and the trip into town was a story in itself I will share for another day.
Finally, I make it back to the marina with the courtesy pickup truck driving slowly. Focused my eyes on the bushes for any signs of movement. Nothing. I drive the truck back near B dock to unload the groceries. There's a dock cart by C dock and I get it. But there's a long wooden fence that separates the marina from the parking lot. I place the cart near the truck and will have to carry each box separately over the gate to the cart. As I picked up the 3rd load and turned to the cart, I almost soiled my pants. Sitting next to the driver's front wheel is Mickey!
Just like that, he appeared from nowhere. Sitting on his butt. looking right at me. I lay the box back in the truck and move over to Mickey slowly and let him sniff my hand and he moves to my right I get a good hold of him. Holding him I carry him right to the boat. Get his harness on and open a can of tuna for him. And hungry he was as he gobbles up the contents. Hungry but safe now. I put all my groceries away, call the marina to let them know Mickey has been found, and realize this is just another wacky day on the Great Loop. Fair winds and gentle seas.
Comments from 2017:
Amie Ziner: So glad you got that bad boy! Mickey sure likes to give you a scare, lol!
Amanda Orr: I so enjoy reading your posts! Glad Mickey is safe. Those cats, they are sneaky!!
Susan Christine: Ooooh, what a relief!! So happy you found Mickey.
Gloria Koster Crawford: Tighten up that bad boy's harness!
Jacki Liptak: Glad Mickey's safe. If only cats could talk ... Oh what tales he'd tell! Kinda makes you wish you'd picked up that cat food at Aldi's!
Tim Hagan: Well, that's the Cat's Meow. Great writing. Can't wait for the Book. Sailing with Mickey.
Ingrid Hasselbach: Glad Mickey is back, enjoyed your post, especially about the Garden State, those tolls are annoying!
Ymaria Lekutis: Captivated me through the story. I was waiting for a good result. Happy you have Mickey back safe.
Jacquelyn Janik Templeton: All's well that ends well! A good story all through, but the suspense was killing me all the way, until the very end! So relieved that you found Mickey alive and well (or I should say, he found you.)
Heidi Laakso: That cat is giving you the run for his keep!
Caltivating!! I felt like I was on the adventure with the Sea Marie...Thank you Henry!
Mickey is a brown tabby and white not a black and white. Is he still with you?